Secret Behind Helping Others

My passion is helping others. Depending on who you ask, helping others could mean many different things. But for me, helping others means improving someone’s life. Although this is a very broad description, I mainly focus on leaving the person feeling better after our interaction then before it. This doesn’t take much but it does take action in dropping the ego, not feeling like I or the other person is better than one or the other. It really is pretty simple if one will go into the interaction with the right mindset. I am so grateful for all the people I am able to be in front of and the confidence and the words that I have inside of me to be able to positively not only change all involved in the interaction but positively change the world.
Because it is a fact that no matter what happens from all of our interactions there is going to be something that happens, whether it is positive or negative that is up to us. It really is true, every action has a reaction. When all of our interactions are done both me and the others involved are going to, because of the interaction is going to go and do something. We are going to leave the interaction with an emotion, a feeling and this is what we are going to take with us to the next interaction. So knowing this, why don’t we do what we can to make every interaction a positive one? It doesn’t take much, a kind word, a smile, any little positive encouragement, even something as little as a smile can totally change someone’s day, maybe their whole life. This positive encounter may be all that this person or persons’ gets in their day. All of our interactions can and truly are magical. Another cool thing about it is it doesn’t cost anything. It just takes a change, a shift in mindset. So let’s all remember this next time we encounter anyone and think of inspiring in our own little way. Someone across the world may be doing something tomorrow because of some interaction we do today, it really is like a ripple in the ocean, we don’t know how far our actions are going to go. We are all in this world together so let’s start talking to each other instead of about each other, start learning about and teaching each other and see what amazing things happen in not only our life but everyone else’s as well.

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