Hello everyone, todays blog is on decisions. We make decisions everyday all day. The key to living a life that we love is making better decisions, decisions that are going to bring us what we want, need, desire and love in our life. A lot of us when we think what we want, we think of what we can achieve. We need to change this into what would we love, not what we think we can achieve. If we know how to do it this is not going to get us what we want. We don’t have to worry about the HOW it’s going to happen, all we need to worry about is what we love. Simply put, make better decisions, that’s it. Once we make a decision, the how is going to reveal itself. Like Martin Luther King said, “we don’t need to see the whole staircase, we just need to see the first step.” Take that first step, which begins with a decision then the next step will reveal itself. Start from where you are with what you have. So remember, it all begins with making better decisions, and what would you love and not what you think you can get. Try it today with something simple, maybe talk to that person you have been wanting to talk to. You say I don’t know what to say, just go up and say hi. Maybe you want to learn something new, a new language, how to lose weight, how to make money online, it doesn’t matter, just make the decision and the how will reveal itself, try it today and amaze yourself. Step out of your comfort zone because this is where the magic is. It is all about decisions, the right decisions.